Monday, August 19, 2024

Summer Ends and School Begins!

Gavin and Avery ended their Summer with bowling, dancing, playing, swimming and getting new haircuts for school! They both earned a free bowling game from the library through the Summer Reading Program, so we used their coupon to enjoy some bowling one weekend.  

Here is a video of Avery picking up her spare.

And here is Gavin taking a turn.

We only had time to play one game and Avery beat everyone! Then the kids tried some arcade games, including this VR King Kong game.

Towards the end of the video there were giant spiders crawling on them and both kids decided they were done with the game! LOL

Avery continued her dance class through Summer and they had a mini recital at the end of the session. This was done in the studio where she normally has class. There were 4 girls in the class but I could only fit Avery and her friend Emma in the recording.

Please let me know if the link above does not work. Here is Avery with the ribbon she received in dance.

The kids got to enjoy a day at Kangaroo Zoo with their friends Emma, Jackson, Hera and Athena!

At their last swim lesson, both kids got to go down the slide into the pool.

Avery also received a medal in her gymnastics class - the younger kids got medals but Gavin's class did not.

Both kids got a haircut the Friday before school started. Here's their new haircut pose.

Of course we took the normal first day of school pictures!!

They have now had one week of school and are loving it. Avery's first week was only half days so they could do Kindergarten assessments. So today is her first full day. She has been looking forward to it for so long and she hasn't had any problems transitioning. I barely get a hug before she sits down in her class for the day! Gavin is very excited too because he gets to pick Avery up from Kindergarten at the end of the day. That's all for now!!

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