Sunday, July 24, 2022

Rough July

So the kids and I were solo for a bit this month because Carlton had to work in Palm Springs Tuesday through Friday for 2 weeks in a row. They did enjoy using their new pool and we got a new cover for it as well so we don't have to take the canopy down every time we use it (we can't leave it up because the winds here are too strong).

This is actually supposed to be a carport but it works really well for our pool!

The kids have continued to enjoy their new beds - I got a couple pictures of Avery reading books in her bed one day.

In other news, Avery earned her certificate for reading 1,000 books before Kindergarten. Gavin earned his some time last year...or the year before.

Another reason this is a rough month is because Carlton caught Covid on his last trip to Palm Springs but didn't have any symptoms until 3 days after he got back. We were really good about him being quarantined in the guest room and using a mask anytime he was around us....However our young children do not really understand the whole "germ" thing and Avery just really wanted Daddy cuddles. 

So 4 days after Daddy tested positive, Avery woke up with a fever. We took her to urgent care on Saturday and her fever was 104. She had just had her first dose of the vaccine a couple weeks prior, so at least she has one dose! After sleeping most of the day yesterday, she seem better today. She's still taking medicine to keep her fever down and Daddy feels better but still has some symptoms and tested positive this morning. So we are all trying to be careful with cleaning, hand  washing, mask wearing, etc. Hoping that Gavin and I stay Covid free!! He and I are both fully vaccinated...but so was Carlton, so we will see.

To end on a cute note, here is a video I took of Avery singing to herself. She does this quite often and it's fun to listen to her made up songs.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot understand how someone gets their child injected with this Experimental injection, chance ruining that child's natural God given immune system - which it does -- by overriding it with a man made drug that is created to destroy one's own immune system. I know this TRUTH is hidden from the public, but Is available - You just have to do your own investigating. They continue to lie to the American people,, and the people believe them.. I pray for all those that have been used, abused and misled about this destructive poison. Big Pharma wants to keep everyone in the Dark while they keep running to the bank (over $2 Billion made thus far for them). PLEASE at least Look in to it,, do the intense research--- save your Health and your children too.
    Look up the adverse reactions info. It is not pretty, but greatly hidden. God bless and protect you always!
