Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Gavin Started Kindergarten!

As crazy as it sounds, Gavin started Kindergarten this week!! I can't believe he is already in school!! He has been so excited to go to school and has been asking throughout Summer when he would start.

So he was lucky and got his name picked in the lottery for a charter school that is super close to us. Also, our neighbor across the street got picked too, we found out she and Gavin are in the same Kindergarten class!! He is doing full day Kindergarten which is 8:30am to 3:30pm but the first 3 days he got out at noon so they could do assessments.

We have our first day pictures and Avery wanted her picture taken too. We had to keep her from getting in front of the sign for a picture!

Gavin got to pick his seat and our neighbor decided to sit at the same table with him, so he was excited about that.

He was pretty funny when we picked him up from his first day. He was disappointed they didn't do any science experiments and the only art they did was coloring. Ha! We will see how he does with the full days coming up!

Other things we have been up to this you know we had Covid go through our house. Carlton got it on one of his work trips then Avery wouldn't stay away from Daddy, so she caught it. Then she wouldn't stay away from me, so I got it and Gavin got it. The kids were over it in a couple days. Carlton had a cough that lingered a couple weeks and I had sinus congestion that lingered a couple weeks. But we are recovered and still wearing our masks!

We have also been doing some yoga...

Playing in the rain and playing on various playgrounds...

The day before Gavin started school, we visited a giant store in SLC area called Scheel's. It's 2 stories and they have a ferris wheel inside! 

Avery loved the Ferris wheel! Gavin wasn't so sure at first but decided he liked it right before our ride was over.

Now Avery is enjoying some one on one time with Mommy while Gavin is at school! I thought she would have a hard time adjusting but so far she seems fine. We will see when he is gone all day instead of half day.

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