Tuesday, July 12, 2022

New Additions

No we didn't get any pets but the kids are super excited about two new additions to our home! The first one we received over the July 4th weekend!

We got a pool!! The kids are loving it - especially in the summer heat! We have been using it about every other day since we got it up.

The other new additions are:

BEDS! The kids finally got bed frames for their beds! They were very excited about putting books in their new headboards and filling the drawers under the beds with toys. We do have bed rails up on both beds now - just didn't get pictures with those on.

Carlton has been traveling for work and has been in Palm Springs during the week. So last week the kids and I made personal pizzas one night for dinner. Gavin was too messy in his pizza making, so I did not get a picture but here's Avery! 

Daddy came home for the weekend and the kids were so happy to have him back. They spent lots of time playing with Daddy. Here is a short video of Avery with her Daddy.

That is all we have for now!! Enjoying a quiet Summer and preparing for Gavin to start Kindergarten in the Fall!!


  1. So glad you got a pool. I hope I get to use it someday. I know all of you will feel a lot cooler now. Im also very
    happy the kids got their new beds. YAY

  2. It's smart that you have an awning / cover over the pool area. How hot does it get there? I know the kids love that pool, I bet the parents do too when it's hot. Avery did such a great job making her pizza. I laughed about Gavin - too messy! LOL How old is Avery? She is quite the gal. So darn cute - animated. What a precious personality she has. Gavin starting kindergarten. Wow - that came fast, huh?
    Take good care. Hugs from Velma
