Thursday, July 4, 2024

Sequoia - Days 1, 2 & 3

We spent two full days in Sequoia trying to see as much as we could! After arriving we got our pic of the sign and then started the next day seeing the General Sherman tree.


Here is a short video of the General Sherman Tree:

Christine and Brenden with General Sherman in the background.

The Tough Twins who survived wildfires.

Cross section of a tree that lived for about 2,200 years! During that time the rings show that at least 80 different fires burned hot enough to leave scars.

Next up was touring Boyden Cavern.

Wedding cake
Blue Marble
Christine and Brenden wading back through the creek in the cave.

Grizzly Falls

Fallen Monarch

Our last full day was very long, it was about a 4 hour drive to get from our campground to Boyden Cave. Then we planned to stop at other places along the way back. We were about an hour from our campground when we got to a stop in the road. A sinkhole had just developed in the road and the crew first on the scene were turning people around. There is only ojne road that goes through Sequioa, so we had to backtrack and go out of the park, through tiny towns and re-enter the park at the south end. It added four hours to our drive back to the campground! We left the next day, so these last pictures were our goodbye's to Brenden and Christine.

Last picture is the kids getting sworn in as Junior Rangers at Sequoia!

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