Sunday, August 20, 2023

First Days of School

Gavin and Avery both started school on August 14th this year! Gavin is now in First Grade and Avery is doing online preschool through Waterford. Gavin enjoyed his first week of school. He now has three different teachers that he switches to each day and he has his own locker!

We got to enjoy a visit from a praying mantis and the kids really enjoyed watching it move around. It was hanging out at our back door for a while.

One day when Gavin was in his gymnastics class, I took Avery over to jiu-jitsu to do a class. They were paired up with another kid and they were supposed to pull their partner's flag and prevent their own from being taken. Avery was not as quick as her opponent!

On another day at jiu-jitsu, they were paired up again and started by sitting with their backs against their partner. Then they were supposed to turn around quick and pin their partner. This time Avery was with someone her age and similar in size.

And here is Gavin and his partner doing the same exercise.

We pulled a magnetic game from the basement yesterday and Avery was very proud of her sculpture, so here she is posing with it.

This morning we went for a family bike ride to the playground and found that the new playground they have been working on for months is finally open!

That is all we have for now!

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