Sunday, September 25, 2022

Lego, Gymnastics and More!

Carlton decided to purchase a Lego project for he and the kids to work on - a Haunted Mansion. Just over 3,000 pieces to it and it took them about 3 or 4 days to finish it.

It is a pretty cool structure with the portrait in the top left lighting up with a "ghost" that haunts it. There is also an elevator in the middle that takes riders up and then drops them, kind of like the Tower of Terror. Here is a video of Gavin cranking the elevator.

The kids love it but now Gavin likes to take some of it apart and rebuild other builds.

In other news, both kids ended up graduating to the next level in their swim classes!! So here is the obligatory pic!

We have also signed up Gavin for gymnastics, although his class is called Warrior Fitness. The "regular" 5 year old gymnastics classes are all full, so this was the only other option for his age. It's a bit advanced for him but we are on a waitlist for the other class and hope he can switch sometime soon. In the meantime, here are a couple videos of him trying the Ninja Obstacle course for the first time. In the first part he had to climb over this wall and then jump onto the balance board.

Next he had to pick one of three paths to go through using rings to a rope or and on to another ring or net of rope.

From there he was supposed to climb up the net of rope and move on to the next section but he couldn't quite get up.

In the next section he chose to try the rings that slide across the bar.

The last thing he had to attempt was a "Spiderman" crawl using these huge foam blocks.

Needless to say it was challenging for him!! We will see how class two goes this coming week.

Hopefully we all start feeling better this coming week. Gavin caught a cold his first week of school which he shared with all of us. Then he got an ear infection from the cold. A couple days after finishing his medication for the ear infection, the school sent him home for pink eye!! We got him into the doctor the same day and on medication. After 48 hours we thought we were in the clear because he was no longer contagious and no one had caught it. Then the next morning, Avery had a goopy eye. So we took her to the doctor and got her medication for pink eye in both eyes. That was on Thursday and now I need to get myself checked out Monday to see if I might have it too. Fun, fun, fun!!! Meanwhile, Carlton has caught the cold we have all had for a couple weeks now. One of these days, we will all be healthy again! That's all for now!

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