Monday, September 5, 2022

Keeping busy

We had a busy week with some new experiences! Ms. Avery got to try out a gymnastics class this past week and loved it! Here are some videos and pictures of what she did in her first class.

Forward bunny hops down the long trampoline, then backward bunny hops...

Forward rolls into the foam pit and then she got to choose her own method. By the time she got down to the foam pit on this one, she was dizzy!!

Then we went into another part of the gym where there were three different obstacle courses set up. The first one she started with the parallel bars.

Next up was a backward roll on a foam ramp and then onto a balance beam doing bear crawls backwards.

On another obstacle course they had to climb up a ladder and jump down, then walk on a balance beam and do a flamingo pose in the middle of the beam.

The last obstacle course had rings, uneven bars, and parallel bars again.

So our little monkey girl is going to take gymnastics now and see how she likes it!! If nothing else, it gives her a regular class to get out of the house while Gavin is in school. And then the other day she showed me how to workout in the garage....using the gardening tool wagon and old wheels from one of Carlton's remote control airplanes.

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