Sunday, February 20, 2022

Latest Happenings

 We started our New Year by getting rid of the horrible pedestal sink in our half bath downstairs and installing a vanity. The pedestal sink was not installed correctly, so there was a gap between the sink and the pedestal, plus it was not secured to the wall when we first moved in. We had the plumber come put caulk in but with the kids hanging on it and the gap, the sink came away from the wall again. I do not have a pic of the pedestal sink but here is the new vanity!

We were also able to do some sledding at a nearby school. In this video, Carlton is holding his hand in front of Gavin's face because the snow was flying up into his face!

Here is another video of both kids with Carlton. This time he has them facing him so they won't get snow in their faces.

We spent Thursday morning at the Children's museum which the kids loved! Gavin would have spent all day there if possible. They got to climb all over an indoor honeycomb climber.

They also got to play with an elaborate tube system using suction to move balls around.

Another big change here is Avery got a big girl bed!! Well, right now it's just a mattress on the floor but she is no longer in her toddler bed. She was very excited to have a bed just like her big brother!!

Last few pictures of the kids being goofy while playing dress up in Mommy's jewelry.

That is all we have for now!! Hope you are all doing well!!


  1. Children's museum looks like fun. I wish I could be there. Gooooo Avery. L>O>L to all.
