Sunday, September 26, 2021

Waterslide, School, Playing, Swimming and Hiking!

Gavin has been enjoying his Kindergarten prep class online. He will also be starting an online preschool class in October. It's once a week for 6 weeks and it will be an interactive class using Google meet, so different from the Waterford program!

Unfortunately the evergreen tree we planted in the front yard has died. The summer heat was too much for it and we shouldn't have planted it in the summer anyway. Now it has cooled down and we have planted a Black Hills Spruce. Hopefully it will do better than the White Fir!

Here is a video of Gavin making our slide into his own waterslide. Avery was not as fond of it as Gavin, she went down a little too fast for her tastes, but Gavin loved it!!

In our daily adventures we discovered that a playground we had visited over the winter had been completely redone! So the kids got to enjoy a new playground (which we have now visited 3 times in one week).

Here are a couple videos, one of Gavin going down the big slide...

And a video of the kids on the cool seesaw swing.
We have been able to return to our library for weekly story time, which the kids really enjoy. Here's a video of the kids doing a more interactive part of story time.

Both kids continue to enjoy their swimming lessons. Here's Gavin practicing his floating skills:

And here is Avery getting the ring off the bottom of the pool (about 4 feet deep):

To finish off our weekend, we decided to check out a hike in the nearby mountains. We did a 3 mile hike to Donut Falls and Gavin hiked the whole way!

The kids helped me with the pictures! On this last picture, Avery was ready for a nap and very unwilling to pose for pictures!!


  1. Love your blogs! That's a super cool slide Gavin!

  2. Way to go Gavin on your 3 mile hike. Aunt Carol
