Monday, September 6, 2021

Graduation and Phoenix Visit

 Avery has graduated from the Parent & Tot class in swimming to the next level where she is in class with three other kids! She was very excited for her first class last weekend!! So excited that she jumped in a couple times when she wasn't supposed to. Maybe next class she will pay more attention.

We also made a quick, somewhat unplanned trip down to Phoenix. My Aunt Bev passed away after years of declining health due to Parkinson's. We were very sad to hear of her passing but glad that we could make it down to Phoenix for the Memorial Service.

The sunlit smile Beverly Anne Ferguson shone on this world 
rose on Saturday, October 20, 1934, and set on Monday, August 23, 2021.

It was nice to see my Uncle and spend some time with his side of the family.

We stayed with Grandma and Grandpa in Phoenix, so Gavin and Avery got lots of time with them! But we also checked out the Children's Museum, which the kids really enjoyed!

Mommy and Daddy both climbed through this play area. Not easy for adults but especially Daddy!! They had an Eric Carle exhibit that was interactive and had lots of neat areas. This is Avery as a butterfly. And Gavin as a caterpillar making his way through the grass:

Then Gavin got to use a die cutter to make a 3D spider.

And Avery got to paint a giant robot! They just had buckets of paint out for kids to add more paint to this sculpture. It was large enough to go inside although you risk getting paint on you!

The rest of the time was spent playing. Coloring with Grandma. Playing Mousetrap with Grandpa. Gavin was obsessed with this game!

Some downtime with Grandpa watching a movie. Of course we had to go to the sand playground too!

Then Grandpa helped build a house with Lincoln logs and joined the kids playing with playdough.

I managed to get a haircut while we were there too!! It was much needed!!!

And here is Gavin and Grandma posing with their castle on wheels!

We had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa. When we got home, Gavin was already asking when we were going back!

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