Thursday, February 27, 2020

On the Move!

Avery has been scooting around backwards and rolling around to get places. Now in the past week she has discovered crawling forward! She has also learned to clap now and loves cheering anyone with her new skill! Here she is clapping:
Here is her crawling:
She has been very smiley lately and showing off her two bottom teeth. She is also beginning to pull herself up to standing whenever she can!
Daddy cuddles

Daddy's girl!

Cheesy grin

Pulling herself up

Being a sweet big brother

Pretty proud of herself!

Yogurt mustache
9 months old!

Avery playing hide and seek with Daddy.
Shower cap pics

First time in the big bathtub!

That's all I have for updated pics and videos for now!! Hope you enjoyed the cuteness!

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