Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Changes are Happening!

Miss Avery has been rolling all over to get places! No crawling yet but she has gotten on her hands and knees several times, she just doesn't seem to know what to do after that. Here's a video of her doing the "inchworm" as I call it.

Gavin got to experience his first bout of Croup a couple weeks ago. Luckily it was a mild case and only needed a single dose of medication. Then we all got colds after that, so everyone got to have the fun of being sick! Avery turned 8 months old on January 22nd. She loves her big brother and is having fun exploring whatever she can get into. Here are some pictures:
G and his friend Amelia!

Cuddle bugs

Look what I can do!

Now in a high chair!

Reading to his sister

Supergirl with her new sign!

Now that we have recovered, Gavin is back to all his normal classes and activities. We also finally got to finish the sign for Avery's room. We chose to stick with the Superheros theme that we used for Gavin's name. For Avery we used: Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Wasp, and Supergirl.

Another change to our lives is that we have found a new home for our dogs, Edge and Bubbles. We have been going back and forth about it for months now and decided it was best for them. They were not getting attention from us or the kids really. They spent most of their days laying on their beds and sleeping. They really needed a new family that had older kids who would play with them and spend lots of time with them. We found them a home with kids, youngest is 6, and the family was very excited to get both dogs! We were excited that the dogs got to stay together and they are with a family that can spend lots of time with them. Here are some pics and videos we took during our last few days with the dogs.
Bubbles and her ball

Mr. Edge
The dogs enjoying their new home!

We miss the dogs but are very glad they are getting love and attention. It will also make the move across the country easier.

Speaking of that, we are counting down the days we have left in CT! Our current plan is to leave around April 1st and drive west. Carlton is busy job hunting and even got flown to Salt Lake City last week for a job interview. That interview went well and we are waiting to see if he is offered a position. Hopefully he will find something soon that he really wants to do and we will have a destination for our move! We will definitely keep you posted!

Here is a video of some baby giggles to end this post!

1 comment:

  1. I love getting your blogs! The videos are adorable and so are your kids! Good luck to Carlton in his job seeking adventures! Hopefully he gets the job!
