Sunday, October 6, 2019

Family Visit!

We were lucky enough to have my Aunt Kathy and Uncle Joe come visit us a couple weeks ago, along with my parents! So we got to get some pictures of them with the kids and we went apple picking! We also checked out a cider mill where we got some tasty treats!

Pumpkins galore!

We took Grammy apple picking and Gavin decided he needed to ride in a wagon. Then he proceeded to take a bit out of about half the apples we picked!
Picking apples w/Grammy

Grandpa in front of obelisk

Grandpa & Avery

Tasty treats!

Carlton and I took Avery to the Khaki Ball this year. It was our last one before retirement and since Gavin got to attend the Submarine Ball in Guam, we figured we should have Avery join us this time! Gavin got to stay home and play with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Joe, and Aunt Kathy.

The rest of their visit was spent hanging at the house and just playing with the kids. Gavin loved having so many people to play with and Avery loved being held by everyone! The day after Joe and Kathy left us, we drove to Maine with my parents where we spent a few days before continuing on to Prince Edward Island!
Gotta love the sound of laughter! Some from Gavin and some from Avery in these two videos!

Some family pictures:

And look who turned 4 months old! Gavin had to get in on the action too with his cheesy smile.

More pictures of our trip to come!

1 comment:

  1. Your parents look great! Where will you go after retirement? This is Maggie..
