Wednesday, August 28, 2019


I will try to do an update to cover the past three months.

Gavin & Avery doing family pics

Avery first time in bouncy seat

Gavin holding Avery

My kiddos!
Videos when my Aunt Carol and Mom were visiting. First one with Gavin on the playground with Carol. Second one is Gavin helping Carol carry stuff out to the car when they drove her to the airport.

We did a newborn photo shoot about a week after Avery was born. Here are some of those pictures.
New family pic!

Family pic with Grandma & Aunt Carol

Grandma with her new granddaughter and G

Gavin giving Avery some love

Mommy & daughter pic

Big brother!

Little girl

Baby toes!

Sweet baby girl

Holding baby sis

Trying out activity mat for 1st time

Big brother showing her how

Bedtime stories

Sleeping beauty

1 month!

Check out those cheeks!

Official birth announcement pic

Mommy/daughter pic

Snuggling with Daddy!

Enjoying the outdoors

Trying Mommy's hat


Bumbo seat reunion

Cheesy grin

Gavin got a balance bike and has been practicing on it intermittently. Here's a brief video...
Here's another video of Gavin at swimming lessons. Hard to tell in the video but I do not have my hands on him at any point - he was able to kick across most of the pool on his own!

2 month pic!

Cool batman bandaid & Avery photobomb

Daddy/daughter pic
One of Gavin's favorite games with Avery - baby chasing!!
Here is Avery enjoying her activity mat on 8.16 - she has really plumped up!
First time G got his own cone! It ended up on the ground


I recently took Gavin and Avery to Gillette Castle where we met up with a college friend of mine! LJ!! I didn't get a chance to take many pics...
G in front of castle

Inside main room ground floor

Cool doors!

His safe

Back of castle

Caitlyn, LJ's eldest daughter

3 months!

Reading baby!

Avery loves her burp cloth! This video is in hyperlapse, so it's more entertaining!
Real time video of Avery enjoying her burp cloth. I remember Gavin loving his too!

That's all the updates I have for now. Avery continues to grow. She has really good head control now and is very alert, always wanting to see what's going on around her. Gavin still loves to cuddle with her. He has gotten very good at building with legos and still enjoys his swimming lessons. We are starting a "Create & Move" class in September, so we will see how he enjoys art! We are keeping busy!!


  1. Avery's chubby cheeks remind me of Sam as a baby . It is so good to see her smile. I am sorry I did not get to see more of that. Hey the girl finally has hair. love to All Carol

  2. Love the updates! Sweet babies!
