Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Last Ski Day & Field Trips

We squeezed in one last day of skiing in the first week of April before returning our rented gear. This time no one went onto the bunny slope! We all went on green runs and even though Avery was trepidatious at first, she got over it and enjoyed herself!

The start of Hidden Bear trail at Canyon Village in Park City.

Soon after our ski adventure, Avery's preschool did a field trip to This Is The Place,which is a heritage park. The park is 450 acres!! We had an abbreviated tour since the field trip was only 2 hours. We started with a train ride to see most of the park area. Then the kids visited the barn where they got to pet some of the baby goats.

Avery testing her abilities at milking a cow:

Then the kids learned how fabric was made from wool. They even got to try carding wool themselves.

They visited one of the homes and tried churning butter. Then they checked out one of the toys the kids would use.

Avery also got to try beating a rug to clean it. She didn't seem to enjoy it much. LOL We got a couple more pics before leaving.

Our one picture of the eclipse where you can see it!

About a month later, Gavin's first grade went on a field trip to the Aquarium. I was a chaperone for the trip and had four kids (including Gavin) to watch as we toured the facility. I didn't get many pictures since one kid (Gavin) kept trying to run ahead while another one kept lagging behind.

So here are the three boys in the group for a goofy pic. Then Gavin is crossing the rope bridge that is part of the rainforest exhibit.

The kids sat through a 45 minute class where they learned about different animals in the aquarium and then we moved on with our tour. They all tried to pet the stingrays at the stingray pool but Gavin was the only one who was tall enough to reach.

Then we got one more group shot with the Megalodon jaws although one of the kids in our group opted out of the pic while another kid from first grade wanted in the pic!

It was a long day but the kids had fun!!

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