Thursday, March 7, 2024

Playing Catch up!

We have been keeping busy and I haven't had a chance to post any updates until now! At the end of January, we went to a special event at the Natural History Museum and Avery got to try out a tool the scientists use to dig bones out of rocks.

Gavin's school had a Health andSafety Fair where both kids got to try doing compressions on a dummy.

Avery's preschool got to take a tour of a local soft serve ice cream shop and then got to hace their own cone.

We also made it to the Children's Museum with friends on a day that Gavin had a half day.

Last week Gavin's school did Dr. Suess week and one day was crazy hair day.

This past weekend we took the kids to Home Depot for their monthly kid project. This one was making a butterfly house.

We are planning to go skiing this coming weekend. Avery will have her last lesson of the season while the rest of us will practice our skills on a green run! Hopefully the weather will cooperate.

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