Thursday, June 15, 2023

Graduation & Treehouse Museum

I am behind in my posting! Gavin graduated from Kindergarten on May 23rd, so here are some pictures from his ceremony. The class performed about 5 different songs with little dances. The last one they performed was an opera that the class wrote. It was about Unicorns and Dragons and it was set in a Candy City (Gavin was very excited because the Candy City was his idea that the class voted to use).

Unfortunately all the videos we took are too long to include in this post!! But here are more pics of them doing songs and dances.

Avery was trying to sing along with them even though she didn't know the words.

These are the dragon costumes for the opera.

And here are the unicorn costumes for the opera.

After an awkward handshake with his teacher (using his left hand), here is Mr. G holding his "diploma".

He ended his Kindergarten year with the important skill of reading! He was sounding out words like ridiculous, amazing, depot, etc. Now he enjoys reading books to Avery!

The first day Gavin didn't have school, we drove out to Ogden to check out a Treehouse Museum! It's a children's museum that has a giant tree in the center that kids can climb and LOTS of interactive exhibits for kids to enjoy.

Giant map of Utah with trivia questions to answer and to the right is a one room schoolhouse where the kids enjoyed playing school.

Enjoying sushi in a Japanese house and to the right is G in a Mongolian yurt.

They decided Mommy needed to be in jail at the police station. On the left is the doggy bed for the resident German shepherd under the police uniforms.

Fun fifties diner that the kids really enjoyed! Lots of fake food for them to make and serve to customers.

Forest area with a creek, logs, and a bear cave.
Doctor's office complete with nursery of newborn babies to weigh, swaddle, and check vitals.
Superhero costumes with Avery choosing a mask and cape while Gavin chose an Astronaut costume.

Medieval area with a throne, castles with dragons and a giant dragon.

Dinosaurs doomed by the nearby volcano!

A doll room complete with dollhouse and lots of creepy dolls in display cases!

Quick stop back at the diner again to play and had to show a quick video of the ketchup and mustard containers they use.

Gavin dressed as a fish swimming in a creek under the bridge.
All aboard!! The train with a conductor and ticket taker below.

A workshop for building and to the right is the climbing gym that is part of the tree in the middle of the museum.

Short video of the kids trying to land a parachute guy from the second level of the treehouse onto the bullseye landing spot.

Building with giant building blocks!

One last video of the kids checking out the earthquake machine. Gavin built the building and Avery was only too happy to push the button to knock it down!

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