Saturday, January 7, 2023

Christmas in Phoenix

This year we drove to Phoenix to spend a week there and celebrate Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa Wheeler. Unfortunately Gavin developed an ear infection on the drive down, so right after unloading the car, he and I made a trip to Urgent Care for some antibiotics. Luckily he improved very quickly and we were all able to enjoy holiday activities.

They always love having story time with Grandpa or Grandma. They also got to have some play time with their Phoenix cousins! So we got some nice pictures of Grandparents and Grandkids.

The boys enjoyed building with Lego while the girls played with the balloon.

Avery enjoyed being in the office and pretending to work on the computer like Daddy and Grandpa.

As is typical of taking pictures of kids, you never get one with everyone smiling and looking at the camera!

We also took on the project of decorating a Gingerbread House. We did not make it though, we just bought one that was pre-made and added decorations. The kids each got two side of the house to decorate.

The kids had fun decorating but then wanted to eat it! They ended up being okay with eating a few of the candies instead.
We made a trek out to the Phoenix Zoo one day too! The kids enjoyed seeing the animals, the dinosaur exhibit and especially the playgrounds and carousel.

We got to see the squirrel monkeys up close! The kids didn't seem as excited about the monkeys.

Brushing the goats was fun too.

Both kids enjoyed some time playing with Grandpa. Gavin got to do some building with toy bricks that Grandpa had when he was a kid! Avery got to play outside with Grandpa doing a homemade ring toss game.

I will spare you pics of gift opening. Instead I will end this with one more picture of Grandpa reading and another pic of Grandma cuddles.

We had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa at Christmas! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday too!

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