Monday, December 12, 2022


 I am a bit behind in posting for Thanksgiving. We had my parents and my Aunt Carol from San Diego visit us for the holiday. Unfortunately all three of them caught something while they were here! Before the sickness hit, Gavin enjoyed some puzzle time with Grandpa.

Then both kids got to play with playdough with Grandpa while Grandma did some coloring in one of our coloring books.

We had a wonderful holiday together and on Sunday after Thanksgiving we celebrated Carlton's Birthday!! Nothing like having Birthday cake after all the Thanksgiving goodies.

Then we took some group pics...had to have a goofy one!

After my parents left, Carol extended her stay with us since she was not feeling well enough to get on a plane. I tried to keep Avery busy so Carol could get some much needed rest. Here's a video of her playing in the snow:

Gavin is enjoying his new gymnastics class. Here is a video of him attempting a handstand:

After a recent snowfall, Carlton made a makeshift hill in the backyard so the kids could do some sledding:

The kids caught the same cold Carol had, so we kept Gavin home from school for a couple days. During that time the kids wanted to play school with Aunt Carol helping out.

First video is with Gavin teach Avery to build with Lego and the second one is Avery teaching Gavin. No idea where Avery got her posturing!

Then we decided to get out some Christmas decorations and found an old Santa costume and Elf costume, so they played dress up!

It was very nice to have an extended visit with Aunt Carol even though she spent most of it being sick. After 2.5 weeks, she finally felt well enough to fly home! Grandma and Grandpa are still battling their illness back in Phoenix. Hopefully we will all be healthy for Christmas!!

1 comment:

  1. Hope everyone is feeling better by this date! Hey kid - don't eat yellow snow!
