Sunday, October 23, 2022

Halloween Celebrations and more

The kids and I checked out a local Halloween Carnival last weekend and they got to wear their costumes. They also got to do a little trick or treating and check out a very small petting zoo!

We also ran into our neighbor down the street at the Carnival, so we got pictures with him and his Mom!

Avery is still enjoying her Toddler Time through the library! This past week they got to have a little Halloween party.

They did some dancing to Halloween music and a costume parade.

We carved pumpkins with the kids a couple weeks ago but forgot to spray them to delay the rotting. So we got new pumpkins this weekend and carved those! So here are the first ones we carved:

And the second set of pumpkins we carved:

Avery got to wear her costume to gymnastics this past week, so here is a video of her enjoying that!
Today we got snow! It was supposed to be about 3 inches but I think we ended up with 6 inches at least!!

Here's a video of the snow falling....very large snowflakes!

For some reason Gavin really loves building a snow wall at the bottom of the slide. Here are a couple pictures.

Here is a video of Avery going down the slide with the snow wall in place:

And I will leave you with a picture of Avery reading one of the books we got at the library. This was the day we got the book, so she couldn't wait until we got home.

1 comment:

  1. what a handsome young knight and cute fairy dinosaur. Send some of that snow down my way . (smile)
