Thursday, June 30, 2022

Grand Tetons - last couple of days

 After our lunch with the fox (in previous post), we took the kids back to the Visitor's Center so they could get sworn in as Junior Rangers for the Grand Tetons.

From there we drove to the Moulton homestead area on Mormon Row. There were 33 farms in the area at one time and now 6 remain. The T. A. farm is famous for being one of the most photographed spots in Grand Tetons.

The next day we got up early, drove to our destination before the kids were up, and ate breakfast in the parking lot again. This time we were able to get on a boat to go across Jenny Lake and do a 1 mile hike to Hidden Falls. Without the boat ride to get across the lake, the hike would have been 4 miles and we weren't sure the kids would be able to do another long one. Plus it's a very popular area, so we wanted to get there as early as possible.

Here is a video of the falls.

And here is a video in slow motion!

Our last stop in Grand Tetons was near Jackson Lake where we had lunch and then tried skipping rocks in the water.

On our way back to Utah we stopped at Shumway Farms which is known for their homemade ice cream. So we got cones for the kids and took a couple pints home! The kids enjoyed the playground area and seeing the animals.

Here is video of them playing on the swing.

That's all for this trip!! Hope you enjoyed the pics and videos!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Grand Tetons - Days 2 & 3

Our second day at the park was mostly rained out although we did get pictures of a moose. Not very good pics since it was across a river and hiding in trees, but here you go!

The next day we had rain but managed to get out, after opening Father's Day gifts, to see a beaver dam. A deer decided to cross the road right in front of us, so we got some good pictures of it. We also got to see an incredible rainbow! It was more like rainbow fog right on the horizon!! I've never seen anything like it! We also went back to Jackson to walk around the shops and grab lunch. So we were able to get a pic with the antler arch!

There were lots of art galleries and statues around Jackson. Then Avery curled up in Daddy's lap for a nap after we got back to the campground.

The next full day of good weather we decided to drive to our destination before the kids were up. The previous days, the kids weren't ready until 9:30ish and the RV parking spots are all taken by then. So we drove to our destination and made breakfast in the RV in the parking lot! That worked out much better!! The first day we did that, we hiked Taggart Lake and Beaver Creek which was about a 4 mile loop. Avery started out walking but ended up in the carrier a few times during the hike. Gavin hiked the whole thing although definitely dragged his feet during some of it!

The lake wasn't quite still enough to get a perfect mirror image of the mountains but I tried! 

After our hike in the morning, we stopped at another turnout for lunch and spotted a fox! It was within about 15 feet of us but didn't get any closer.

After our lunch stop we moved on to Mormon Row but I will save that for the next post!!