Monday, December 13, 2021

Christmas Fun & Petroglyphs

The kids have been enjoying the Christmas season and got to mail letters to Santa last week. They also did a Lego project with Daddy over the past couple weeks putting together a Santa House.

This past weekend they also got to visit with Santa twice! A local couple makes their backyard into a Santa Village every year and the kids get to see Santa for free. Then on Sunday we did the Lightwalk in Salt Lake and they had a Santa there for the kids to visit with. We also put up our tree this past weekend, so the kids got to enjoy decorating.

Here is a quick video of part of the maze we went through at the Lightwalk.

Continuing with our pictures from the trip to Moab, we saw some cool petroglyphs one of the days. They were all along a cliff side and very clear. We also were able to do a short hike to some dinosaur tracks!

The dinosaur tracks were very obvious, once you knew where to look! The dinosaur that made the tracks was a Grallator.

More pictures to come!


  1. I love the pictures of the kids with Carlton and the Lego house. How cool is that! Hoping you had a magical, memory making Christmas, and everyone had a great time. Blessings to You and the family for a very Prosperous New Year with Good Health, Love and Peace. Love Velma ⚘
