Sunday, November 14, 2021

Vacay in Moab!

We decided to take a week and explore Moab and the nearby areas! On our way into Moab, we had to stop and check out the Dinosaur tracks, there are many in the area but the most popular one is supposed to show about 100 different Dinosaur tracks in one small area. 

Some of the prints were very clear while others were a bit harder to see. Many were covered in dirt (as you can see), so that made it a bit harder to see the prints. This area was a riverbed, so lots of dinosaurs used to come through here for food and water.

The next day, we went to Arches National Park. We started with Balanced Rock which was a short hike. When asked how the rock got up there, Avery said that she put it there!!

Here is a video of Carlton asking Avery how the Balanced Rock got in its place.

Here are some pictures taken as we were driving through the park on our way to the next stop, the Windows.

Our next stop was the Windows area which has Turret Arch, Double Arch, North Window and South Window. Lots of natural arches/windows in a small area.

Turret Arch was the first one we explored. Mr. G kept running ahead, so one of us had to stay with him while Ms. A was taking her time.

Next up were the North and South Windows.

We walked over to Double Arch next and the kids had a great time climbing up inside the arch to explore. Gavin and Daddy climbed to the edge of it to see over the side. Avery's legs were not long enough to make the climb.

Some woman we saw on the  trail decided to bring her blow-up dinosaur costume and put it on for the kids. 

Our last stop for the day was to go to the viewpoints for Delicate Arch. We hiked to it the next day but thought it would be nice to see it ahead of time.

Then I stopped at Fiery Furnace to take some pictures of these great rock formations.

It was a great first day of hiking and exploring!


  1. Great photographoc jpurney with you and ypur beautiful family. Photos are breathtakingly amazing, thanks for sharing....

  2. What a great place. What did Mr. G. say about the dinosaur tracks??

  3. What an incredible experience for you and your family. Awesome pictures too. Wow - you really know how to explore and appreciate our great nation. Thanks for sharing your journey with me. I love it.
