Monday, July 5, 2021

Summer Fun!

 A couple weeks ago we decided to take a drive to Park City and ride the gondola to the top of the mountain for some hiking. It was nice to get into cooler temps and the kids enjoyed the picnic and riding the gondola!

The following week, the kids and I took a trip to the Hogle Zoo. They opened up their playground and splash pad area, so the kids really enjoyed that!

The kids also got to ride the carousel for the first time and really enjoyed that! Gavin wanted to sit on the bench at first. Then when Avery picked a moving animal, he changed his mind! LOL

Before leaving the zoo, the kids got to feed a Giraffe! They were very excited!! Check out how long that tongue is!

Then we had fun on our street for the 4th. Our new little neighborhood had a potluck and planned some water games for the kids. It was very entertaining to watch since the ages ranged from 2 to about 12.

First they were supposed to use towels as a hammock holding a water balloon and toss it to the next paid of kids.

Then they had the kids sit in a line and use a cup to toss water over their shoulder to the kid behind them holding a cup. The last kid in line was supposed to put the water in the bucket and whichever bucket had the most water was the winner. I have no idea who won but lots of kids got wet! After that, they had a water balloon fight and everyone loved that. Avery had a blast squeezing the balloons until they exploded and Gavin fully enjoyed getting wet!

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