Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Birthday Girl!

Ms. Avery turned two on the 22nd!! We had a small celebration on her birthday to open gifts and then the next day we had a friend over to play party games and celebrate more. We had to get balloons, of course, and she loved her Minnie balloon and the 2!


For the family celebration, we got a small cake and lit candles for her to blow out. We were not quite quick enough to keep her from getting a bit too close to the candles!

Luckily she didn't get burned!

The next day we had fun playing outside before coming in to play pin the kiss on the frog. The kids are still a little young I think.

More pics of cake face and presents:

She got a new baby which she insisted had to sit in the booster seat to eat dinner. Then she also got a pair of sunglasses which she insists on wearing upside down. It looks like the toucans are eating her nose! That's it for now!!


  1. Happy Birthday sweet Avery! She looks so happy!!

  2. Good to see her smiling so much. luv you Avery Aunt Carol
