Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Birthday Girl!

Ms. Avery turned two on the 22nd!! We had a small celebration on her birthday to open gifts and then the next day we had a friend over to play party games and celebrate more. We had to get balloons, of course, and she loved her Minnie balloon and the 2!


For the family celebration, we got a small cake and lit candles for her to blow out. We were not quite quick enough to keep her from getting a bit too close to the candles!

Luckily she didn't get burned!

The next day we had fun playing outside before coming in to play pin the kiss on the frog. The kids are still a little young I think.

More pics of cake face and presents:

She got a new baby which she insisted had to sit in the booster seat to eat dinner. Then she also got a pair of sunglasses which she insists on wearing upside down. It looks like the toucans are eating her nose! That's it for now!!

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Dinosaur land

On the 8th of May, Carlton ran in the Dino half marathon as a pacer in Vernal, UT. We also signed the kids up for a 1/2 mile fun run! Avery's first race and Gavin's second! Since we were in Dinosaurland, we decided to make a weekend of it and explore the area.

On our way to Vernal, we stopped at a fast food place known for its trains. So we had to take a pic on one of the trains.

Once in Vernal, we had to pick up racing bibs for the racers and they had a finisher sign that we just had to use! Then they had a big Dino sign outside too!


Next morning, Carlton got up really early for his race (half marathon) and then I got the kids ready for their race. We met up with Carlton at the starting line and both ran the half mile with the kids. I was Gavin's partner and Avery was with Daddy. The kids both had fun although I think Avery was a bit confused as to what was going on.

After recovering in the hotel room for a bit (Kids enjoyed some TV while Daddy showered and then napped), we headed to the Field House Museum to see some Dinosaur fossils and statues. The kids mostly enjoyed the statues in the garden area.

After our museum excursion, we decided to check out a hike to Moonshine Arch. It was a little bit of a drive and by the time we got there, both kids had fallen asleep! So I hiked by myself while Carlton stayed with the kids.

Before we headed home on Sunday, we stopped at the Quarry to see the Wall of Bones! It's basically the side of a mountain that paleontologists had worked on for a long time and unearthed a ton of bones. Then they built a building over the side of the mountain so you can see the bones with some high tech cameras that allow you to zoom in. Apparently there was a river here with a sharp bend in it and the bones kind of log jammed in this area. 

As you can see, we also stopped to take pictures at a couple of the cheesy dinosaur statues that are sprinkled around Vernal. 

That Sunday was also Mother's Day and the kids (meaning Carlton) got me this lovely necklace!!