Monday, October 26, 2020

Homeowner Woes and Snow!

 Before we left on our trip to Bryce, we noticed this on our living room ceiling...

We thought it was just the tape on the drywall coming off but then when we got back from our trip it was a bit worse. When Carlton touched it, it was damp. So we contacted the builder and they sent a guy to check the shower in our master bathroom which is right above this spot. He tore out the bottom of the shower and went up about a foot on all sides but could not find a leak! So now our shower looks like this...

And the guy went exploring through the ceiling for the leak as well, so now we have this in our living room...

This is covered under the warranty on the house but it still sucks to have this problem on a house that is only 10 months old! Not only that but the since the shower guy couldn't find a leak, he said we would need to have a plumber look at it. Twice last week the plumber was supposed to come and didn't show up. The first time, the builder said the plumber had some emergency. The second time though, the builder would not even get back to me! So now we are trying to figure out how to get this taken care of without us paying out of pocket. Grrrrr!!!

On a lighter note, Tooele got snow this past weekend!! First time it has snowed here, so of course we had to go out and play!! Neither of the kids have snow boots, so we had to improvise with plastic bags over their socks inside their shoes! LOL Avery did NOT know what to make of the snow. After making snow angels (kind of), she decided she wanted to go back inside!

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Last Day of Bryce Canyon

 Our last day in Bryce Canyon we decided to hike the Navajo loop and Queen's Garden loop combined to see the most that we could without killing ourselves getting into the canyon. Navajo Loop is supposed to be a bit steeper, so we chose to start with that and come up Queen's Garden. We were hoping that being less steep on the way back up would be easier. It worked out but going down Navajo was interesting. The trail varies from about 3-5 feet wide and just drops off with lots of loose rock, so we had to be careful with our footing and passing people. A little nerve wracking for someone, like me, who is afraid of heights. One of the pics of me on the trail, you will notice I am as far from the edge as possible!

I am not getting any closer to the edge! In the pic below, you can see the trail zigzag back and forth as it descends.

This is Thor's Hammer to the left and below you can see what the trail is like.

The pic to the left is double bridges although they are kind of hard to see. One is very close to the ground.

The pic to the left is supposed to be the profile of Queen Victoria but I think part of her eroded away awhile ago!

This pic to the left and the next couple of pics are from the hoodoo graveyard area where they have all eroded into dirt.

These last pictures were taken from Inspiration Point . Tons of hoodoos to see and a great lookout.

The requisite family pic in front of the Bryce Canyon sign! Below the kids were taking a break on top of the car. The last pic is one that Gavin took and I have no idea how he did it but I thought it looked pretty cool. Very artistic!