Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Prince Edward Island

We enjoyed our days exploring PEI although many shops and restaurants are only open during the summer season. But we avoided the crowds of the summer, so that was nice! A local recommended that we check out Island Hill Farm which has animals for you to pet and feed. So we spent a morning there and Gavin had a blast!
He got to pet goats, bunnies, llamas, alpacas, and a donkey!

We also checked out the PEI Preserve Co. and the adjoining Gardens of Hope. The preserves were tasty and the Garden was really nice. It covers 12 acres and has lots of winding paths, so it was a great place for Gavin to run around!
Loving the bagpiper
Fearless explorer

PEI spelled out in flowers (hard to see)

Lovely footbridge


Great view of nearby water

One of the many spots to sit and enjoy

Looking good!
More pictures of Prince Edward Island to come but I thought I'd also share the pics from our Halloween! We did a couple different Trunk or Treat events in town. Avery had two different costumes, so she got to wear both of hers and Gavin loved his Dragon costume!
Fall pic at Holmberg Orchards

Looking thrilled!

Daddy & G made a scarecrow!

GIANT pumpkin! 1,348 pounds!

Jack o lantern spectacular

Jack o lantern spectacular

"Roar!!" The dragon and one of his victims.

Trick or Treating at Mystic Village!
In other news, Gavin has graduated to a big boy bed!! Avery will be moving to the crib soon (we hope), so Gavin got a twin bed for his room now. We didn't realize the mattresses came in boxes now!
So excited!

Unrolling it...

As it is opened, it starts expanding

All done!

YAY! New bed!

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