Friday, October 18, 2019

Green Gables

Our first full day on Prince Edward Island we visited Green Gables Heritage Park which has the house where Anne of Green Gables grew up. It also has lots of information about the author of the books, Lucy M. Montgomery. It was very interesting to read about her life and see how much of herself she put into her character Anne. But first, here are a couple pictures of Gavin feeding Avery!

Listening to voice recordings of Lucy Montgomery

Green Gables house with picnic area nearby

Green Gables

Taking the Haunted Wood Trail

Golf Course crossing
After touring the Green Gables house, we decided to check out the Haunted Woods trail. It's supposed to be similar to the one in the PBS show although this one is now bisected by a golf course! 
Haunted Woods

More Haunted Woods

Anne hat with her red braids
We also spent some time walking around Charlottetown, which is the biggest city on Prince Edward Island. They had lots of shops and restaurants.
Hanging out with Canada's first Prime Minister

My Mom checking out Victoria Row

GIANT cow in front of Cows Creamery

Then we had to check out a Toy Store that had some cool toys but also a very fun play area in their "backyard". Gavin had a great time checking out all the fun stuff!
Riding the elephant

Statue crawling out of ground

Sir Gavin

Sir Gavin again!

Princess Gavin?

Checking out Humpty Dumpty

Fairy door with a fairy village behind

Carousel horse!
Our Official Khaki Ball pic! 
More Prince Edward Island pictures to come!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Maine-ly Acadia

My parents joined us for a road trip to Maine where we explored Acadia National Park for a couple days. Then we ventured on into Prince Edward Island for more sightseeing and to check out the Green Gables Heritage place...the abode of Anne of Green Gables! It's a place I have wanted to see since I first saw the PBS series back in the 1980's.

We started by driving the park loop, stopping to take pictures and explore along the way. Our first stop was Sand Beach where Gavin had a great time playing in the sand and climbing rocks with Daddy!

Then we stopped at Thunder Hole which was a blowhole in the rocks. We didn't get to see it really go off, I think the tide wasn't at the right height. But there were still some great views!
Platform to see Thunderhole up close but closed.

View of outlying islands and nearby cruise ships.

Gavin & Daddy at Thunderhole

Next we stopped to see the Gatehouse (part of the legacy of John Rockefeller Jr.) that was part of the carriage road system in the park. We also drove to the summit of Cadillac Mountain. It was very cold and windy up there!!

Snuggles w/Grammy!

Happy baby after a quick snack

Some Fall colors

Cadillac Mtn

My boys!

Bundled up!

Next we did a hike to see Waterfall Bridge. One of the many bridges built as part of the Carriage road system in the park.
Waterfall at the Bridge

Boys hiking

Hiking w Grammy

More waterfall

Family pic

The Girls!


Footbridge & Main Bridge

Ecstatic to be running!

Boys & Lighthouse

Girls & Lighthouse

G really wanting to hold her hand

Last there was a quick stop to see tide pools but not much to see. Then we checked out a lighthouse before heading back.