Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Snow and more fun!

We actually got some measurable snow last week! So Gavin was finally able to play in the snow and see the snow fall. He loved it!!

We had also been working on a growth chart for Gavin which we finally finished!! So we got a board, painted it to look like a ruler and then added some stickers!

Now we just have to hang it in his room! He loved helping to put the stickers on - let's just hope he doesn't try to peel them off!

Here is the bumpie pic for 28 weeks.
We also made our way up to Hartford this past weekend to check out the CT Science Center. They had a lot of things for kids. First we checked out the space exhibit, then we got to see information on weather and tried out a hurricane! Gavin wasn't too sure about that one. He also got to try keeping a beach ball up in the air with a blower.

Next was a sight and sound exhibit where Carlton and Gavin got to record a short stop action video.

Then Gavin got to play an electronic harp that used lasers instead of strings.

Our last stop was the water play area. They had all kinds of tubes running all over and plastic balls that were being pushed through by water. There were also different water features where kids could fill up containers and play in whirlpools. Gavin loved it all! Thankfully we had a change of clothes with us because even with the smock on, he got really wet!

Our latest bumpie our last check up, our baby girl was head down which is good! Gavin was breech from about week 24 to the end.We have a birth refresher class we are attending tonight and we have hired a doula! Part of the class tonight includes a tour of the maternity ward, so we are looking forward to that. We will be getting another ultrasound around 32 weeks to make sure baby girl is in a good position and make sure she is growing as she should be. She is definitely active, that's for sure!

Carlton surprised me with a trip to San Diego as a Valentine's Day/Birthday gift! So this weekend I am heading to San Diego, by myself, to hang out with friends and family!! It will be a nice break from chasing Gavin around and my last vacation before I have two little ones! It will also be my first time away from Gavin, so we will see how it goes. I am looking forward to the warmer weather and to seeing friends! I will be there from Friday until Tuesday, so if you want to meet up, send me a message!


  1. Looking forward to seeing you Jen xxxooo to the boys

  2. Love thw updates....brings back so many fun memories of doing those things when my kids were little. You are looking beautiful!

  3. Any chance you will go to Pulm Rehab on Tuesday? I'm usually not there until 12:30 or 1pm. Would love to see you.

    1. Unfortunately no, my flight leaves at noon.

  4. BTW - you look adorable. Gavin is so darn cute and I can't get over how much he resembles you. He's going to be really tall. How tall is Carlton? (without cheating when measuring himself - lol). Have an awesome time on your trip to SD. I hope I get to see you.

  5. Thank you! Carlton is 6'6" so G will definitely be tall!!
