Tuesday, September 18, 2018

GAA: Family time in Ohio!

Only one more post after this one to complete our road trip posts!! Then everything will be more current! I can't believe it has taken me almost 4 months to post all these pictures but thank you for sticking with us!

So after TN, we drove up through Ohio to visit my family in the Medina area! IT was great to see them but also great because there were kids closer to Gavin's age! So Gavin got to meet his cousins: Jackie and Steve have Ryan, Madison and baby Austen while Brian and Amanda have Jackson and Izzy! Izzy and Gavin are only a couple months apart, so it was cute to see them play together.
Selfie with Izzy!

Gavin photobombing!

Most of the group!

Jackson and Madison are all smiles while Ryan hides

Jackie and baby Austen

Izzy trying to give Gavin a kiss!

Uncle Tony and I

Uncle Joe and G

Brian, Amanda, Izzy, Jackson, Me, Gavin & Carlton

Ryan, Jackie, Austen, Madison, Me, Gavin & Carlton

Joe, Kathy, Jackie, Austen, Me, Gavin, Ryan, Madison & Carlton

Aunt Kathy & baby Austen

Ryan hiding behind Gavin and Madison

Gavin hanging out with Ryan

Gavin's selfie with Joe and Madison
Izzy is very big on giving kisses, she is so sweet!! Gavin had no idea what to make of it! She would hug him too and at the time, he didn't give hugs so he didn't know what to make of that either.

Izzy trying to kiss Gavin again!

It was so nice to see everyone and we were sorry to miss my cousin Joey and his family. Hopefully we will see you all again soon!!


1 comment:

  1. Thankx for the pix.Everyone looks so well and happy....
