Wednesday, July 18, 2018

GAA: Four Corners, Sand Dunes & Zapata Falls

We headed to Four Corners after leaving Monument Valley, but first had to stop for the iconic picture from Forest Gump and had to stop to see Mexican Hat.
Not exactly like in Forest Gump but close

Mexican Hat

Gavin holding up the Mexican Hat

Four Corners was next on our list and we got a few shots of Gavin in all four states!

Four states at one time!
Family pic!
Daddy having fun with selfies

 We made a quick stop in Pagosa Springs, CO to stretch our legs and enjoy the greenery after being in the desert. Gavin got to play with his first dandelion and feel the brisk water!!
Blowing on the dandelion

Roaring rapids

Chilly water!!

After leaving Pagosa Springs, we also stopped at this scenic overlook in Colorado. Just enjoying the beautiful views and the waterfall in the distance.
Lovely waterfall

Beautiful vista!

While driving through Colorado, we decided to stop and check out the Sand Dunes and our hotel informed us of nearby waterfalls also!
Selfie! Gavin was asleep.

Carlton's shadow

Gavin enjoying the sand

Daddy & G

Mountains in the distance

More playing in the sand

Sand Dunes

Wide shot!

The waterfall our hotel told us about was Zapata Falls and was off the same road you take to get to the Sand Dunes. It was a very nice hike up to the treeline and then you had to criss cross over the stream to get back to the falls. The falls were so well shaded that there was still ice near the top! We weren't always successful in crossing the stream without getting wet and that water was COLD!!!!
First stream crossing

Carefully trying to walk along stream

Daddy and G selfie!

Still clinging to the wall!

Partially frozen waterfall!

In the shadows

Family selfie

C & G by waterfall

Gavin feeling the cold water

He liked it!!

Another frozen waterfall pic

1 comment:

  1. If he doesn't turn out to be a hiker or mountain climber, I would be very surprised.....
