Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Halloween Activities

The kids were able to enjoy a few different Halloween activities again this year. First we checked out Halloween on the High Seas at Loveland Aquarium. There were pirates stationed throughout the aquarium and the kids received a scavenger hunt list at the entrance. They had fun hunting down each clue and then they received their treasure at the end!

They enjoyed the jellyfish exhibit - especially the glow in the dark jellies!

Jack o lanterns this year - although Gavin chose to use these werewolf pieces we got for Avery when she was 1.

Avery is getting over her fear of heights in gymnastics:

The weekend before Halloween, Gavin's school had their carnival and trunk or treat event. So the kids got all dressed up in their costumes. Avery was a zombie princess.

Both kids had Halloween parades at their schools. Avery's class only has 8 kids in it, so her parade is much shorter! Gavin couldn't wear this knight costume to school because of all the gauntlets, helmet, and breastplate, so he wore a ninja costume instead.

Gavin is at the very end of the video but I thought you might enjoy the costumes of the other kids too!

Unfortunately the day of Halloween, Avery got a touch of food poisoning and missed trick or treating. She was still able to have fun handing candy out to kids that came to our house though.