Saturday, February 25, 2023

Fun in February!

Gavin celebrated 100 days of school and dressed as an old man. He didn't want to do anything drastic, so we found suspenders, a bowtie and a beard/mustache combo for him to wear.

Avery wanted in on the dressing up also!

Avery and Gavin continue to enjoy their gymnastics classes. Here is a short video of Avery on the bar.

The kids got to try fondue for the first time on Valentine's Day! They really enjoyed dipping different foods into the chocolate sauce.

Then we made a trip to the Aquarium in Salt Lake and the kids got to cross a rope bridge and attempted to touch stingrays. They stayed just out of reach for both kids.

Then we got surprised last week by two feet of snow that fell overnight and all day! Super fun clearing the driveway...thankfully we have a great snow blower!!

Before and after pictures of the driveway and then a pic of my leg by the unplowed section. You can see the level of snow is just below my knee! 

I also took a short video of our snow dunes in the backyard.

And one last picture of the kids and I with our snowman in our backyard.