Tuesday, May 31, 2022

San Diego Days 3 & 4

We set aside Saturday and Sunday to try to visit with as many people as we could. So Saturday we planned to meet friends at a local park in Normal Heights. Sunday we moved up north and our friend Debbie hosted a Birthday party for Avery!

The park visit was great - our friends Jessica and Dan were able to come out and their son Oliver is about a year older than Gavin. It took the kids a little bit to warm up to each other but once they did, they spent a long time playing together!

Our friend Bill was also able to join us along with our friend Alicia whom we met in Guam and now lives in SD!

My Aunt Carol was also able to come out and spend more time with us!

We headed up north after that and stayed with our friends the Hortons in Escondido. The next day was Avery's Birthday party at Debbie's! It was so nice to be able to celebrate her birthday with friends!

Here is a video of Sam pushing Avery in a mini go cart.

Avery showing off her Paw Patrol Tattoos, playing pin the kiss on the frog, and playing in the garage with the big kids!

Avery really enjoyed having all the other kids to play with and the gifts, of course!

Gavin got a couple gifts from friends too and both kids went around giving hugs to everyone.

It was a wonderful weekend of visiting with friends and catching up!! 

Sunday, May 29, 2022

San Diego Trip Days 1 & 2

 Our recent trip to SD started a little rough! We broke up the drive into two days - 11 hours in the car is a bit long for all of us. So we spent the night in Mesquite, NV where Avery proceeded to vomit on the bed in the middle of the night! She caught a stomach virus that Gavin had the week before, so our departure from Mesquite was delayed a bit while she emptied her stomach of everything. Then we armed ourselves with a large bowl and got on the road for the remainder of our drive to San Diego! Luckily she didn't throw up too much in the car and nothing got on the car seat or the car itself.

Our first full day was supposed to be going to the Zoo but since she was still sick, we decided to hang out at our Air BNB and relax. My Aunt Carol was able to join us in the afternoon, so the kids loved having some quality time with her. Also, the place we were staying had kinetic sand, which the kids loved!

Quick video of Gavin and kinetic sand.

Day Two of our trip the kids got to check out the Children's Museum with Daddy while I visited with some of my former patients in Cardiac Rehab!

Here is a video of the kids performing on stage at the Museum!

It was wonderful to visit Cardiac Rehab and visit with some of the patients. Last time I saw them was back in 2018 when we drove from California to Connecticut after leaving Guam!

Kathy, Tom, Steve, Debbie, Judy, Gail, Jerry, Wayne, Asoka, and Angela all looked wonderful!! It was great to hear their latest news and to catch up a bit with my former co-worker Mia! I wish I could have stayed longer to visit more but we had so much to pack into our trip!

That afternoon we decided to take the kids to the beach. Gavin went to the beach once in CT but he was too young to remember and Avery has never been to the beach! It was fun to see their reaction and they loved it!

Of course the water was cold!! But they had fun playing near the water later and teamed up with another boy who had sand toys. They also found the bell of a jellyfish! 

We ended our day by having dinner in La Jolla and then taking the kids to La Jolla Cove where they could see the sea lions! It was a wonderful day!!