Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Holidays (Part Two)

This year Carlton had to work on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so we celebrated on the 23rd instead! The kids are too young to know the difference anyway. 

The new Jingle dog we got as a gift from our Fairy Godmother, Evelyn!
Gavin wishing everyone a Merry Christmas from inside his new garage tent.
Avery doing a floor angel. LOL
Gavin in his Christmas outfit for Christmas day! This is the best pic out of 4 - he will not stand still!
Avery dancing in her high chair! She really loves to move when music is playing!

Avery wearing her new neck gaiter.

Our cards on display from all our loving friends and family!!

A couple videos of the kids playing on the pendulum swing at the playground. They both love this swing!!
A couple days after Christmas, we ventured into Salt Lake City to check out the light display called Lumaze. It's a huge display that you walk through and they had a fun scavenger hunt for the kids looking for hidden presents along the way. Gavin loved it. Avery enjoyed it for a bit but then got cold. They did have a cute train ride we got to do which thrilled both the kids!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Here's hoping 2021 is much better than 2020...shouldn't be too hard.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Holidays (Part One)

 I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday season!! Or at least as fabulous as it could be considering the pandemic. I wanted to share our pictures from Thanksgiving to mid-December in this post and then Christmas/New Year pics in another post since I haven't done a post in a long time!

We were lucky to have my parents come out and celebrate Thanksgiving with us this year! So they got to see our new house and the kids got to spend quality time with their grandparents. Gavin especially enjoyed the attention! Here are some pics!

Enjoying some snow play!

New tradition, painting our handprints on a tablecloth that we can use for the holidays!

Video of Grandma dancing with Avery.

Kids wearing their matching Grinch Christmas shirts. And helping Daddy put up our Frosty blow-up.

Playing dress-up with a Santa and an Elf costume!

Video of Avery enjoying one of our Christmas decorations.

Kids trying out their Christmas headbands from Aunt Marilyn - before I had a chance to remove the tag!
Avery helping Mommy vacuum.

Video of us singing "Give it your all" from Pete the Cat Saves Christmas. (Guard your ears)

Our visit to Santa this year actually took place in the backyard of a house that has been going all out with their Christmas decorations for the past few years. No charge, although donations were accepted, and the kids each got a little gift from Santa along with a candy cane. They were thrilled! 

Snowflake on our back porch.

Making our annual Christmas goodies!
The kids posing by a snowman we made in our backyard when we had a really good snowfall.

Their favorite thing to do when it snows is to eat the snow!

The munchkins dressed in their matching Christmas pajamas!

Will post Christmas pics soon (hopefully)!