Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Easter and Countdown

Here are some pictures from Easter with Gavin opening gifts in his basket.

He had a great time opening the plastic eggs where we had hidden little, squeezable balls to use with his water table. Then we did a few rounds of hiding the eggs in the house too!

This past Thursday we took a drive to Newport, RI and did the Cliff Walk. It's about a 3 mile walk along the coast that gives you a great view of the mansions in the area. We didn't make it the whole 3 miles but saw quite a few of the mansions and some beautiful coastline.

Salve Regina University

Among the Daffodils!

Cool archway

40 steps

Admiring the view

Boulder crossing

Tired boy!

We are currently three weeks away from Baby Brinda's due date! I am definitely ready to be done. The belly is big and heavy!! Gavin still likes to be carried sometimes, which is a bit harder for me now - especially going up the stairs! Here are a couple recent bumpie pics!
G's silly face!

Last week's pic

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

SD Visit & Gavin Turns Two!

For Valentine's Day and my Birthday, Carlton surprised me with a weekend trip to San Diego while he stayed in CT and watched Gavin! It was a wonderful surprise and my friends threw me a baby shower while I was in town, so it was a great way for me to catch up with a bunch of friends at once! Deb and Christine did a fabulous job of hosting the baby shower and Sarah, Donna, and Pita contributed with tasty food! It was a great shower and so awesome to see everyone!
Happy Hour! Christine, Pita, Sam, Sarah & Brian

Christine, Sarah and I

Sam getting ready to dig in!

Jessica, Deb & I

Deb, me, Leslie, Madeline, Pita, and Maggie

Great onesie!

The Baby Shower group!

Pita, Leslie, Donna, Me, Deb, Sarah & Christine

Jess & I

Mary & I

Jenn & I (we first met in Guam!)

Maggie & I

My parents and I

I also got to see some friends who couldn't make the shower and went to visit Cardiac Rehab!! I only got a couple pictures in CR but had fun catching up with the patients I did get to see!
Brunch with Gusti & Bob!!

Steve & I

Kathy & I

Then when I got home, we had a birthday party for Gavin to prepare! We did a Space/Daniel Tiger theme and he had a great time! We started with a balloon drop.

We did play a game but I didn't get video or pictures - we played a Daniel Tiger pin the tail/watch game. Gavin loved it and wanted to put all the pieces on!
Then we sang Happy Birthday and had cake!
Hopefully he knows now not to go for the flame on the candle!

He had a great time spreading the cake all over. Not sure how much he actually ate.

On the pregnancy front, baby girl is doing well and very active (especially at night). I now go to the OB every week for checks...only about six more weeks left!
3/25 ultrasound of her profile
Here are the two most recent bumpie pics:

And here is one last video of Gavin thoroughly enjoying blueberries!! We are working on his speech, but he is increasing his vocabulary!