Thursday, January 3, 2019

Big News and our New Year's Day Adventure!

Profile of Baby Brinda #2
Yes, that is exactly what you think it is!! Our most recent ultrasound picture!! We are expecting!!
3-D of her face with her hand near her mouth
We are very excited to have a little girl on the way this Spring! Gavin isn't quite sure what's going on just yet but we will see how it goes as my belly gets bigger!

In other news, we spent our New Year's Day playing in Gavin's new tunnel (Carlton almost got stuck) and exploring the Mystic Aquarium!

Checking out the penguins

Nemo Submarine!

Sea Lion Show

Hopping Sea Lion

Gavin had a great time running among all the different fish tanks! He also got to feel a sea star and a sea urchin. They have a stingray petting pool but for some reason the stingrays were not attracted to his splashing!

Cheesy tourist pics

Cheesy Tourist pic
Happy New Year!!!!